Thursday, October 15, 2015

Paradigm shift in Teaching and Learning

10) What is Flipped Classroom?
Answer: Flipped classroom is a teaching technique and a kind of blended learning that shifts the traditional educational arrangement by making learning content
available, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have conventionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a
flipped classroom, the students are introuced to content in online lectures in audio, video, multimedia and social network format, collaborate in online discussions,
or carry out introduction and builtup of lesson at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of the teacher.

9) How Flipped Learning impacts student’s growth?
Answer: Latest research, conducted be leading Learning Behaviour experts, suggests that the flipped classrooms make a tremendous amount of difference on students’
learning. The research confimred, a about 80% improvement in student’s attitudes toward flipped classrooms and that standardized test scores were up 67%, according to
the survey. It enables student collaboration while retaining the ability which gives teachers valuable insight on individual contribution. Easily keep tabs on each
student’s individual contributions during group work

8) What are student’s opinions about flipped classroom pedagogy?
Answer: Every single response is survey conducted by Singapore Management University implied a good learning experience. Common terms used in their answers include
“effective”, “efficient”, “helpful” and “useful”. Students loved the idea of being able to repeat the video clips as many times as needed. Several people commented
that viewing the videos at home is huge timer saver which allows more to be done in the classroom. Many students were glad that they were “forced” to come to class
prepared. Students like the self-assessment quizzes because they alert them of gaps in knowledge and prompted them to review the videos again with clearer objective.

7) How does it work?
Answer: There are several ways for the flipped classroom—the term is widely used to describe almost any class structure that provides prerecorded lectures followed by
in-class exercises. In one common model, students might view multiple lectures of five to seven minutes each.Online quizzes or activities can be interspersed to test
what students have learned. Immediate quiz feedback and the ability to rerun lecture segments may help clarify points of confusion. Instructors might lead in-class
discussions or turn the classroom into a studio where students create, collaborate, and put into practice what they learned from the lectures they view outside class.
As on-site experts, instructors suggest various approaches, clarify content, and monitor progress. They might organize students into an ad hoc workgroup to solve a
problem that several are struggling to understand. Because this approach represents a comprehensive change in the class dynamic, some instructors have chosen to carry
out only a few elements of the flipped model or to flip only a few selected class sessions during a term.

6) What are important considerations before you flip a classroom?
Answer: If you are planning of redesigning your course/syllabus to include blended learning methods, then simply adding more online activities to the list of
assessment requirements in an existing course/syllabus will create more work.
If you have an existing face-to-face course and now want to start using an online technology, consider the following:
– One has to use the new technology or tool into the learning experience with such tact that students must use the new part to complete the course results and
assessment successfully.
– If the presence in classes are important for discussing certain topics, keep such topics for in class sessions.
– Make changes to a course in such a way that students aren’t bamboozled by them. Don’t make all the changes at once; don’t add too many new tools at once. Consider
making step by step changes each time you plan teach the course.

5) How to achieve right blend?
Answer: In order to achieve right blend in learning experience consider following breakdown
Online or text-based contexts are really useful for:
—More complete, detailed responses in writing
—Thoughtful, reflective answers
—Individual and group-based activities
—Email, discussion forums, wikis (delayed communication)
—Quizzes: can give students with feedback on learning to encourage reading and revision.
Live or Face-to-face contexts are well suited for
—Stories & anecdotes
—Recounting insights from experience, and research
—Spontaneous moments
—Trust, empathy and reciprocity
—Group debriefing after field trips, practical
—Sensitive or controversial material or comments

4) What are important benefits to a Flipped Classroom?
Answer: No more long, frustrating homework sessions.
Students have more time for extra curricular activities.
A flipped classroom promotes student collaboration, sharing and concept of mastery exercises.
Flipping your classroom will create a student-centered environment.
Video lectures are short – typically under ten minutes – keeping students engaged.
Teachers are available for more one-on-one interaction with students in a flipped classroom.
The flipped classroom provides flexibility – everyone works at their own pace.
Students take on the responsibility for their learning.

3) What are hardware requirements for achieving this?
Answer: Due to advancement in technology flipping a classroom can be achieved with minimum hardware need.
– Computer (PC or Mac)
– Broadband Internet
– Microphone (internal or external)
– Web cam – Optional
– Interactive Tablet – Optional
– Computer (PC or Mac)
– Broadband Internet
– Digital Video Camera
– Tripod – Optional
– Computer (PC or Mac)
– Broadband Internet

2) What are the downsides?
Answer: A flipped classroom can require more preparation time.
Flipping a class requires more time in planning and time used for content creation than does a traditional class.
Flipping the classroom assumes that students will complete the out-of-class preparation.
All students may not watch the digital content or complete the out-of-class readings and will therefore be unprepared for participating fully in class. Short quizzes
at the beginning of class can provide students with incentive to complete the out-of-class assignments.
1) How ePrabodh can help you here?
Answer: In the flipped classroom enviroment, technology contributes a major role, especially the use of videos developed by teachers or others.
With these features of ePrabodh, this work is quiet seamless and hassle free:
A) The activity modules can help track student understanding of content as well as prepare them for collaboration and face-to-face activities.
B) Advanced Forums allows participants to exchange ideas by posting comments.
C) The Assignment activity allows teachers to collect work from students, review it, and provide feedback, including grades.
D) Last but most important, Videofile resource plugin intended to provide teachers with easy handling of cross-browser compatible videos.

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