Wednesday, May 3, 2017

To Parents

In this time of Digital India, where access to smart phone and internet has been drilled down to grass root level. A survey revealed that smart phones and interent is enaging almost 40% of free time of youngsters in India which is almost 3 hours a day. So it becomes imperative that students should be offered with such educational aids which will be accessible to them on their favorite device. This is what exactly ePrabodh does, it enables their educators with technology and resources to be able to make their teachings and learning available on all the internet enabled devices students so widely use and are habitual to.

This availablity of their day-today learnings on their smart phones will help students form habit of healthy usage of the internet. 

Major Benefits of using a Learning assistance system like ePrabodh are as follows:

Online Tests

Teachers who are making great use of ePrabodh, they say Online Tests are one of the most popular ways to assess knowledge. They are very simple to create. They  can choose from various types of question to ask, such as multiple choice, free-text, choose from a list and more. It’s a really easy way to test your students’ knowledge on a topic. 

Engage parents with ePrabodh's Learning Assistance 

Parental engagement is a hot topic at the moment, with parents wanting to know what their children are up to at school/coaching classes/institutes and how they’re progressing. With MIS integration into your ePrabodh's Learning Assistance, you can push all relevant information out to parents, teachers or students from within the ePrabodh's Learning Assistance.

Receive written assessments

It’s not just quantitative data you can assess on – our software is capable of receiving written assessments as well. Rather than worrying about broken printers or lost papers, you can have your students hand in their work digitally. You can then track this and mark it, with the results being written back into your MIS, if you have integration with that. A little bit of time spent setting up the assignments can save you a huge deal of paperwork down the line, a common theme with ePrabodh's Learning Assistance s in general!

The Homeworx Block

An extension of the assessments module, the Homeworx Block has been custom-designed to manage students’ homework assignments. It can really help with engaging parents too, as it lets them log in and see grades. Teachers can set homework ahead of time – get an entire term’s worth of work out of the way early, then mark them online.

Flip your classroom

The trick to any provide holistic solution for Digital Learning is both creating a reason for people to go there, then making it the most comfortable option. A great way to do this is to flip the classroom, a technique that’s becoming increasingly popular. Essentially rather than having students study in lessons they do the theory work at home, so when they come in the lessons become discussion and debate. It’s a highly effective method, and more closely resembles the university model that many students will have to adapt to. ePrabodh Learning Assistance is designed to make Flip Classroom more effective and befenicial for students.

Document storage

This is something ePrabodh is actually very good at. You can provide documents, links and all sorts of rich media, all restricted based on access permissions. It can be very handy for uploading notes and powerpoints, especially in the event that a student is unable to make a lesson due to adverse weather or other scenarios.

Live Classroom

Arguably the best feature of ePrabodh is its ability to offere seamless Live Classroom broadcast to the students and also to offer recording. For some reason, if student is not able to attend the class phyically he can login to live classroom and attend the class remotely or if even that is not possible student can review recorded classroom as and when he can. So with ePrabodh, missed lectures is thing of past.

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